Курсы английского языка для взрослых в Самаре
Вы можете записаться на курсы английского в группу с удобным для вас графиком: утреннюю, вечернюю или группу выходного дня. Пройдите бесплатное тестирование и мы подберем для вас программу обучения. С вами будут работать сильные и опытные преподаватели. По окончании курса выдается сертификат, подтверждающий уровень знаний.

Стоимость обучения
Предназначен для тех, кто никогда не учил английский язык. Это курс также подойдет для тех, кто пытался учить английский самостоятельно или с репетитором, но не продвинулся дальше первых разделов учебника. Если Вы давно учили английский язык, все основательно забыли, и в голове остался только набор отдельных слов-этот курс также Вам подойдет. Если Вы не знаете своего уровня — пройдите тест.
Курс включает в себя правила чтения и произношения, базовую лексику и азы грамматики. На этом уровне мы учимся грамотно строить фразы, задавать вопросы, использовать базовую лексику. Мы называем этот уровень — “уровень выживания”. Т.е. по окончанию курса, попав в англоговорящую страну, вы сможете общаться на бытовые темы с помощью простых фраз.
Занятия проводит русскоязычный преподаватель, в группах от 4-х до 8-ми человек. Использование коммуникативной методики позволяет нашим студентам начать говорить по-английски уже с первых уроков.
Основные разделы и темы курса:
Грамматика | Лексика |
На начальном уровне наиболее важны повышенное внимание и персональный подход. Наши преподаватели учитывают все особенности обучения взрослых с нуля. После экспресс подготовки вы будете полностью готовы к обучению на уровне Elementary.
Расписание занятий:
индивидуальное обучение с персональным графиком
Разговорная практика составляет не менее 70% учебного времени
На нашем курсе Elementary Вы освоите:
Speaking |
Grammar |
Vocabulary |
Pronunciation |
Welcome to the class |
verb be [+], subject pronouns: I, you, etc. |
days of the week, numbers 0-20 |
vowel sounds, word stress |
One world |
verb be [-] and [?] |
countries, numbers 21-100 |
/ə/, consonant sounds, /ʧ/, /ʃ/, /ʤ/, word stress |
What’s your email? |
possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. |
classroom language |
/əʊ/, /uː/, /ɑː/, the alphabet, sentence stress |
Are you tidy or untidy? |
singular and plural nouns |
things, in, on, under |
final -s and -es |
Made in America |
adjectives |
colours, adjectives, modifiers: very / really, quite |
long and short vowel sounds |
Slow down! |
imperatives, let’s |
feelings |
linking |
Britain: the good and the bad |
present simple [+] and [-] |
verb phrases: cook dinner, etc. |
third person -s |
9 to 5 |
present simple [?] |
jobs |
/ɜː/ and /ə/ |
Love me, love my dog |
word order in questions |
question words |
sentence stress |
Family photos |
possessive’s, Whose…? |
family |
/ʌ/, the letter o |
From morning to night |
prepositions of time (at, in, on) and place (at, in, to) |
daily routine |
linking |
Blue Zones |
position of adverbs, expressions of frequency |
months, adverbs and expressions of frequency |
the letter h |
Vote for me! |
can/ can’t |
verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc. |
sentence stress |
A quiet life? |
present continuous: be + verb + -ing |
noise: verbs and verb phrases |
/ƞ/ |
A city for all seasons |
present simple or present continuous? |
the weather and seasons |
places in London |
A North African story |
object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. |
words in a story |
/aɪ/, /ɪ/ and /iː/ |
The third Friday in June |
like + (verb + -ing) |
the date, ordinal numbers |
/ð/ and /θ/, saying the date |
Making music |
revision: be or do? |
music |
/j/, giving opinions |
Selfies |
past simple of be: was / were |
word formation: write > writer |
sentence stress |
Wrong name, wrong place |
past simple: regular verbs |
past time expressions |
-ed endings |
Happy New Year? |
past simple: irregular verbs |
go, have, get |
sentence stress |
A murder mystery |
past simple: regular and irregular |
Irregular verbs |
past simple verbs |
A house with a history |
there is / there are, some/ any + plural nouns |
the house |
/eə/ and /ɪə/ |
Room 333 |
there was / there were |
prepositions: place and movement |
silent letters |
#mydinnerlastnight |
countable / uncountable nouns, a/ an, some/ any |
food and drink |
the letters ea |
White gold |
quantifiers: how much/ how many, a lot of, etc. |
food containers |
linking, /ʃ/ and /s/ |
Facts and figures |
comparative adjectives |
high numbers |
/ə/, sentence stress |
The most dangerous place… |
superlative adjectives |
places and buildings |
consonant groups |
Five continents in a day |
be going to (plans), future time expressions |
city holidays |
sentence stress |
The fortune teller |
be going to (predictions) |
verb phrases |
word stress |
Culture shock |
adverbs (manner and modifiers) |
common adverbs |
connected speech |
Experiences or things? |
verb + to + infinitive |
verbs that take the infinitive |
weak to, sentence stress |
How smart is your phone? |
definite article: the or no the |
phones and the internet |
the |
I’ve seen it ten times! |
present perfect |
irregular past participles |
sentence stress |
He’s been everywhere! |
present perfect or past simple? |
learning irregular verbs |
irregular past participles |
The English File interview |
revision: question formation |
До 90 часов высокоэффективных занятий, бесплатное посещение разговорного клуба и дополнительных занятий по грамматике.
Не уверены в своем уровне? Пройдите тест!
Заказать бесплатный звонок.
Утренняя группа | Вечерняя группа |
С 9:00 2 раза в неделю |
С 19:00 2 раза в неделю |
5 месяцев | 5 месяцев |
40 занятий |
40 занятий |
от 4-х человек | от 4-х человек |
Разговорная практика составляет не менее 70% учебного времени
В нашем курсе Pre-Intermediate:
Speaking |
Grammar |
Vocabulary |
Pronunciation |
Are you? Can you? Do you? |
word order in questions |
common verb phrases |
the alphabet |
The perfect date? |
present simple |
describing people: appearance and personality |
final -s and -es |
The Remake Project |
present continuous |
clothes, prepositions of place |
/ə/ and /ɜː/ |
OMG! Where’s my passport? |
past simple: regular and irregular verbs |
holidays |
regular verbs: -ed endings |
That’s me in the picture! |
past continuous |
prepositions of time and place: at, in, on |
weak forms: was, were |
One dark October evening |
time sequencers and connectors |
verb phrases |
word stress |
TripAside |
be going to (plans and predictions) |
airports |
the letter g |
Put it in your calendar! |
present continuous (future arrangements) |
verbs + prepositions, e.g. arrive in |
linking |
Word games |
defining relative clauses |
paraphrasing |
silent e |
Who does what? |
present perfect + yet, just, already |
housework, make or do? |
the letters y and j |
In your basket |
present perfect or past simple? (1) |
shopping |
c and ch |
#greatweekend |
something, anything, nothing, etc. |
adjectives ending -ed and -ing |
/e/, /əʊ/, and /ʌ/ |
I want it NOW! |
comparative adjectives and adverbs, as…as |
types of numbers |
/ə/ |
Twelve lost wallets |
superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) |
describing a town or city |
sentence stress |
How much is enough? |
quantifiers, too, (not) enough |
health and the body |
/ʌ/ |
Think positive — or negative? |
will / won’t (predictions) |
opposite verbs |
‘ll, won’t |
I’ll always love you |
will / won’t / shall (other uses) |
verb + back |
word stress: two-syllable verbs
The meaning of dreaming |
review of verb forms: present, past, and future |
modifiers |
the letters ea |
First day nerves |
uses of the infinitive with to |
verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc. |
weak form of to, linking |
Happiness is… |
uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) |
verbs + gerund |
-ing, the letter o |
Could you pass the test? |
have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t |
adjectives + prepositions: afraid of, etc. |
stress on prepositions |
Should I stay or should I go? |
should |
get |
/Ʊ/ and /uː/ |
Murphy’s Law |
if + present, + will + infinitive (first conditional) |
confusing verbs |
homophones |
Who is Vivienne? |
possessive pronouns |
adverbs of manner |
reading aloud |
Beware of the dog |
if + past, would + infinitive (second conditional) |
animals and insects |
word stress |
Fearof.net |
present perfect + for and since |
words related to fear, phrases with for and since |
sentence stress |
Scream queens |
present perfect or past simple? (2) |
biographies |
word stress, /ↄː/ |
Into the net |
expressing movement |
sports, expressing movement |
word stress |
Early birds |
word order of phrasal verbs |
phrasal verbs |
linking |
International inventions |
the passive |
people from different countries |
/ʃ/, /tʃ/ and /ʤ/ |
Ask the teacher |
used to |
school subjects |
used to / didn’t use to |
Help! I can’t decide! |
might |
word building: noun formation |
diphthongs |
Twinstrangers.net |
so, neither + auxiliaries |
similarities and differences |
/ð/ and /θ/ |
Unbelievable! |
past perfect |
time expressions |
the letter i |
Think before you speak |
reported speech |
say or tell? |
double consonants |
The English File quiz |
questions without auxiliaries |
revision of question words |
question words |
До 90 часов высокоэффективных занятий, бесплатное посещение разговорного клуба и дополнительных занятий по грамматике!
Не уверены в своем уровне? Пройдите тест!
Заказать бесплатный звонок.
Утренняя группа | Вечерняя группа |
С 9:00 2 раза в неделю |
С 19:00 2 раза в неделю |
5 месяцев | 5 месяцев |
40 занятий |
40 занятий |
от 4-х человек | от 4-х человек |
Разговорная практика составляет не менее 70% учебного времени
В нашем курсе Intermediate:
Speaking |
Grammar |
Vocabulary |
Pronunciation |
Eating in…and out |
present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs |
food and cooking |
short and long vowel sounds |
Modern families |
future forms: present continuous, be going to, will/ won’t |
family, adjectives of personality |
sentence stress, word stress |
Spending money |
present perfect and past simple |
money |
o and or |
Changing lives |
present perfect + for/ since, present perfect continuous |
strong adjectives: exhausted, amazed etc. |
sentence stress |
Survive the drive |
choosing between comparatives and superlatives |
transport |
/ʃ/, /ʤ/ and /tʃ/, linking |
Men, women, and children |
Articles: a / an, the, no article |
collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions |
/ə/, two pronunciations of the |
Bad manners? |
obligation and prohibition: have to, must, should |
phone language |
silent consonants |
Yes, I can! |
ability and possibility: can, could, be able to |
-ed/-ing adjectives |
sentence stress |
Sporting superstitions |
past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect |
sport |
/ↄː/ and /ɜː/ |
#thewaywemet |
past and present habits and states |
relationships |
the letter s, used to |
Behind the scenes |
passive (all tenses) |
cinema |
regular and irregular past participles |
Every picture tells a story |
modals of deduction: might, can’t, must |
the body |
diphthongs |
Live and learn |
first conditional and future time clauses + when, until, etc. |
education |
the letter u |
The hotel of Mum and Dad |
second conditional, choosing between conditionals |
houses |
sentence stress, the letter c |
The right job for you |
choosing between gerunds and infinitives |
work |
word stress |
Have a nice day! |
reported speech: sentences and questions |
shopping, making nouns from verbs |
the letters ai |
Lucky encounters |
third conditional |
making adjectives and adverbs |
sentence rhythm, weak pronunciation of have |
Digital detox |
quantifiers |
electronic devices |
linking, ough and augh |
Idols and icons |
relative clauses: defining and non-defining |
compound nouns |
word stress |
And the murderer is… |
question tags |
crime |
intonation in question tags |
До 90 часов высокоэффективных занятий, бесплатное посещение разговорного клуба и дополнительных занятий по грамматике!
Не уверены в своем уровне? Пройдите тест!
Заказать бесплатный звонок.
Утренняя группа | Вечерняя группа |
С 9:00 2 раза в неделю |
С 19:00 2 раза в неделю |
5 месяцев | 5 месяцев |
40 занятий |
40 занятий |
от 4-х человек | от 4-х человек |
Разговорная практика составляет не менее 70% учебного времени
В нашем курсе Upper-Intermediate:
Speaking |
Grammar |
Vocabulary |
Pronunciation |
Questions and answers |
question formation |
working out meaning from context |
intonation: showing interest |
It’s a mystery |
auxiliary verbs, the…, the… + comparatives |
compound adjectives, modifiers |
intonation and sentence rhythm |
Doctor, doctor! |
present perfect simple and continuous |
illnesses and injuries |
/ʃ/, /ʤ/, /tʃ/, and /k/
Act your age |
using adjectives as nouns, adjective order |
clothes and fashion |
vowel sounds |
Fasten your seat belts |
narrative tenses, past perfect continuous, so / such…that |
air travel |
irregular past forms, sentence rhythm |
A really good ending? |
the position of adverbs and adverbial phrases |
adverbs and adverbial phrases |
word stress and intonation |
Stormy weather |
future perfect and future continuous |
the environment, weather |
vowel sounds |
A risky business |
zero and first conditionals, future time clauses |
expressions with take |
linked phrases |
I’m a survivor |
unreal conditionals |
feelings |
word stress in three- or four-syllable adjectives |
Wish you were here |
wish for present / future, wish for past regrets |
expressing feelings with verbs or -ed / -ing adjectives |
sentence rhythm and Intonation |
Night night |
used to, be used to, get used to |
sleep |
/s/ and /z/ |
Music to my ears |
gerunds and infinitives |
music |
words from other languages |
Let’s not argue |
past modals: must have, etc., would rather |
verbs often confused |
weak form of have |
It’s all an act |
verbs of the senses |
the body |
silent consonants |
Cutting crime |
the passive (all forms); have something done; it is said that…, he is thought to…, etc. |
crime and punishment |
the letter u |
Fake news |
reporting verbs |
the media |
word stress |
Good business? |
clauses of contrast and purpose |
advertising, business |
changing stress on nouns and verbs |
Super cities |
uncountable and plural nouns |
word building: prefixes and suffixes |
word stress with prefixes and suffixes |
Science fact, science-fiction |
quantifiers: all, every, both, etc. |
science |
stress in word families |
Free speech |
articles |
collocation: word pairs |
pausing and sentence stress |
До 90 часов высокоэффективных занятий, бесплатное посещение разговорного клуба и дополнительных занятий по грамматике!
Не уверены в своем уровне? Пройдите тест!
Заказать бесплатный звонок.
Утренняя группа | Вечерняя группа |
С 9:00 2 раза в неделю |
С 19:00 2 раза в неделю |
5 месяцев | 5 месяцев |
40 занятий |
40 занятий |
от 4-х человек | от 4-х человек |
Обучение в группах выходного дня очень удобно для тех у кого не хватает времени на обучение в будние дни.
Набираются небольшие, комфортные группы. Занятия проходят в легкой, приятной атмосфере.
Расписание занятий:
Утренняя группа: С 10.00
Дни в неделю: сб, вс
Количество часов: 40 занятий
*Набор ведется для каждого уровня владения языком